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Risks Of Laser Eye Surgery & How To Avoid Them


At BoydVision, we often cite the benefits of laser eye surgery and other similar operations. Vision correction greatly improves the quality of your life by ridding you of the need to wear glasses or contacts on a daily basis. It grants you freedom, convenience and ease of mind – but, what’s the catch?

The most common post-surgical effects of LASIK surgery include dry eyes, glare halos and starbursts. These are usually temporary symptoms that should not impede your day-to-day life. However, more serious symptoms can rarely occur and you should be aware that they exist.

Ask About Risks Of Laser Eye Surgery

Not everyone is a good candidate for laser eye surgery, and the specific risks can be related to your unique situation such as age, lifestyle and preconditions. You should always ask your surgeon how good of a candidate you are for LASIK (or any eye surgery) before undergoing the procedure.

Ideally, you should choose a surgeon who would be willing to turn you away if you weren’t really a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery. Choose a surgeon with experience, who would be selective about their patients, and wouldn’t employ tactics to go through “as many clients a day.”

There are no laws that dictate the extent of which your laser eye clinic needs to disclose risks to their patients. However, at BoydVision, we go through a thorough consultation process to ensure that you understand what LASIK is and how comfortable you are going through the procedure.

Avoiding Risks With Proper Planning

In truth, complications from LASIK eye surgery are extremely rare. As a procedure that boasts an impressive 95%+ rate of granting 20/20 vision, it usually takes 15 minutes or less to perform. A huge emphasis should be placed on the pre-qualification clients and planning.

At BoydVision, we use Custom Lasik to gain additional information from topographical and wavefront mapping to improve results. While some laser eye clinics charge extra for this service, we include it in our base quote, without any hidden costs.

When you’re planning to undergo a life-changing surgical procedure that only takes 15 minutes to perform, you should make it a priority to actually meet your surgeon.

Unlike many other laser vision clinics, our surgeon Dr. Michael Boyd will personally meet you as part of the consultation process before executing the procedure. With over 30 years of experience and 25,000 surgical procedures under his belt, you can trust Dr. Boyd to give you the expert attention and care your eyes deserve.

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